Integrated Waste Management Planning: The Act has established an integrated waste management planning system, which requires the preparation and implementation of integrated waste management plans at all three spheres of government. Capacity will be required in all three spheres to ensure that this interlocking system of integrated waste management planning is effective, and in particular at local level, since this is where the concrete plans and targets for waste service provision will be set.
Monitoring capacity and enforcement: Capacity amongst EMIs is required both in numbers and areas of specialisation. It is estimated that approximately 800 additional EMIs are required to fulfil the compliance monitoring and enforcement of the Waste Act. Two-thirds of these EMIs will be located at local government level, averaging out to two EMIs per municipality. These EMIs will also need to receive specialised training in the Waste Act. Whilst it would be ideal if they only focused on the Waste Act, in practice they will likely fulfil broader environmental compliance monitoring functions. The required modules will be developed and offered at accredited institutions that have a Memorandum of Understanding with DEA.