5.10.1 Reporting on the implementation of the Integrated Waste Management Plans (IWMPs)

Section 13 of the Waste Act requires annual performance reporting on the implementation of integrated waste management plans. Annual performance reports on the implementation of the IWMPs must include information on:

  • The extent in which the plan has been implemented during the period.
  • The waste management initiatives that have been undertaken during the reporting period
  • The delivery of waste management services and measures taken to secure the efficient delivery of waste management services, if applicable.
  • The level of compliance with the plan and any applicable waste management standards.
  • The measures taken to secure compliance with waste management standards.
  • The waste management monitoring activities.
  • The actual budget expended on implementing the plan.
  • The measures that have been taken to make any necessary amendments to the plan.
  • In the case of a province, the extent to which municipalities comply with the plan and in the event of any non-compliance with the plan, the reasons for such non-compliance.
  • Any other requirements as may be prescribed by the Minister.

National and provincial departments responsible for environmental affairs are required to submit annual performance reports of their integrated waste management plans for approval to the relevant MEC’s and the Minister by 31 May each year.

The annual performance report prepared in terms of section 46 of the Municipal Systems Act must contain information on the implementation of the municipal IWMP. Local authorities are obliged to establish performance management systems that are commensurate with their resources and in line with their priorities, targets and indicators contained in their IDP. Municipalities are required to table their annual reports in terms of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000. The municipality must adopt its annual report within 14 days of tabling and submit a copy of the report to the MEC and Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and the MEC and Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs.

Each province is responsible for the consolidation of the integrated waste management performance reports of all the municipalities in the specific province and must send the consolidated report to the national department for review and publication in the national department’s annual report. 

Specific reporting information required by Chapter 3 of the Act is described in the table below.

Government level National Department Provincial Department Municipality
Table 13: Requirements for reporting on implementation of integrated waste management plans
Deadline for receipt of annual performance report No later than 31 May each year No later than 31 August  each year
Report required Annual performance report on implementation of IWMPs Annual performance report to include progress reports on IWMPs
Approval required Minister MEC and Minister Respective councils; copy to MEC ; Minister DWEA and GOGTA
Required to submit prescribed annual performance report on IWMPs X X X
Extent to which the plan has been implemented during the period X X X
Waste management initiatives undertaken during reporting period X X X
Delivery of waste management services -- -- X
Level of compliance with IWMP and applicable waste management standards X X X
Measures to secure compliance with waste management standards X X X
Waste monitoring activities X X X
Actual budget expended on implementing the plan X X X
Measures taken to make any necessary amendments to the plan X X X
Extent to which municipalities comply with the plan and reasons for any non-compliance -- X X
Any other requirements as may be prescribed by the Minister X X X