3.4.1 Listing of waste management activities

The requirement for licensing applies to a range of listed waste management activities including the storage of waste; recycling, recovery; treatment of waste; disposal of waste; and the construction or decommissioning of facilities and associated structure and infrastructure. The list has Category A and B and what differentiates the activities in A & B is the threshold.

The Waste Act requires that the notice listing the waste management activities must indicate whether a waste management licence is required for that activity or, if not, the standards or requirements that govern the activity. Where a standard or requirement has been set, listed waste management activities that are exempt from licensing requirements must comply to that standard. In addition, they must register with and report regularly to the SAWIS.

Applications can be made to the Minister through the process identified in the Waste Classification and Management regulations for activities to be exempted from requiring a licence on the grounds of its contribution to waste minimisation or diversion of waste from landfill.