4.7 Capacity building

Implementing the Act requires additional capacity in the three spheres of government. This includes adequate human resources as well as appropriate skills and training. The table below identifies the main capacity challenges in government that need to be addressed.

Table 7: New capacity required to implement the Waste Act

Sphere of Government Functional Area Requirements
All Integrated waste management plans Staff who can draw up plans for waste service provision
All Monitoring and enforcement 800 additional EMIs, two thirds of them at local government level. Specialised training in the Waste Act for these EMIs
National Norms and standards Dedicated unit with technical experts, including process and chemical engineers and legal drafters.
National Remediating contaminated land New division that can administer the system.
National Industrial waste management issues Staff who understands industry waste management. Working relations with industry
National Information management Dedicated staff to collect, analyse and disseminate all waste and waste management information.
National and provincial Licensing Staff to interpret EIAs. Standards for EAPs.
Municipal Planning Staff who can plan for the appropriate levels of service, extension of services, and landfills.
Municipal Delivering waste services Staff that can manage internal waste service delivery or manage contracts with private service providers.
Municipal Waste separation and recycling Staff who can plan and establish such facilities.
Municipal Financial management Staff who can undertake full cost accounting, ring fence waste service budgets, establish and implement cost reflective and volumetric tariffs, and implement the free basic services policy through subsidies for the indigent.
Municipal Financial planning Staff who can plan capital expenditure based on infrastructure modelling
Municipal Communications Staff who can effectively communicate with communities about proper waste management practices.

The capacity challenge at local government level is particularly acute. A nationally coordinated capacity building programme for local government will aim to address the above challenges. DEA, the provinces and SALGA will jointly develop the programme. It will align with the overall strategic framework for local government capacity building that DCOG coordinates. The programme will include national policy guidance on systems and procedures, training and information programmes for officials and councillors, expert advice and placement for limited periods, and capacity building grants to support local initiatives. The programme will be implemented in 2012.